Home > Tribal Tattoo > 12 Awesome Tribal Tree Tattoos

12 Awesome Tribal Tree Tattoos

Published on February 19th 2016 by under Tribal Tattoo

Tribal tree tattoos symbolizes a lot of things in a beautiful way. Tree tattoos can carry deep personal meanings and it can talk about one’s cultural origins, religious beliefs and aspirations.

Best Tribal Tree Tattoo Design Ideas

Tree, as a whole, represents life. Roots represent complex support systems, while branches depict connections and continuity.

Family Tree Tribal Tattoo

Family Tree Tribal Tattoo

Trees hold several meanings to several groups of people. However, all cultures represent them as mystical icons in some way or the other.

Oak Tree Tribal Tattoo

Oak Tree Tribal Tattoo

Tree Tribal Tattoo

Tree Tribal Tattoo

Celtic people sees tree as a provider of warmth, shelter and food.

Tribal Palm Tree Tattoos

Tribal Palm Tree Tattoos

Tribal Tree Forearm Tattoo

Tribal Tree Forearm Tattoo

As per Chinese mythology, the phoenix and dragon are the residents of their tree of life. The dragon personifies the soul of a person, while phoenix represents rebirth and resurrection.

Tribal Tree of Life Tattoo

Tribal Tree of Life Tattoo

Tribal Tree Sleeve Tattoo

Tribal Tree Sleeve Tattoo

In several Egyptian mythologies, tree is portrayed as symbolic to life and death.

Tribal Tree Tattoo Designs

Tribal Tree Tattoo Designs

Tribal Tree Tattoo Shoulder

Tribal Tree Tattoo Shoulder

Buddhist people can often be seen with bodhi tree artwork on their skin as Buddha sat under a bodhi tree to attain Enlightenment through meditation.

Tribal Tree Tattoo

Tribal Tree Tattoo

To give a chic loo to your tree tattoo, add some colors to it.

Tribal Tree Tattoos

Tribal Tree Tattoos

Tribal Trees Tattoos

Tribal Trees Tattoos

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