Home > Tribal Tattoo > 7 Beautiful Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoo

7 Beautiful Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoo

Published on February 12th 2016 by under Tribal Tattoo

The root of tribal tattoos is deep rooted into several indigenous cultures of the world. The meanings of tribal tattoos vary from culture to culture.

Best Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoo Design Ideas

Sea turtle is an important symbol among the people of Hawaii. This creature is protected by hard shell and they can navigate through both land and water, and more importantly they live long. They are associated with stamina, stability and stamina.


Sea Tribal Turtle Tattoo

Sea Tribal Turtle Tattoo

Hawaiians believe that their guardian spirits might take the shape of various animals, including turtle.

Sea Turtle Tribal Tattoos

Sea Turtle Tribal Tattoos

It is not just Hawaii, since sea turtle has a lot to do with sea or oceans, the culture of making sea turtle tattoos has grown among cultures near the sea.

Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoos

Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoos

Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoo

Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoo

In Japanese culture, it is believed to save those who travel.

Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoo Pictures

Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoo Pictures

Vietnamese believe that sea turtle comes to rescue when you are in trouble.

Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoo Images

Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoo Images

In some Indian mythology, it is depicted as a creature carrying heavy loads.

Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoo Designs

Tribal Sea Turtle Tattoo Designs

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